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Natural Sciences Tripos


Please note that admissions to the University are handled by the Colleges. You should also refer to individual College websites for any specific requirements and subject preferences, and contact College admissions offices for further advice.

In the following, 'science/mathematics subjects' refers to Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Further Mathematics. If you are studying a science not listed above as your third subject, please contact the College you wish to apply to for advice.

Entrance Requirements

The standard offer for entry for natural Sciences is A*A*A at A Level or equivalent.

What are the best A Levels to take? What about other qualifications?

Number of subjects

You must have A Level Mathematics and two other science/mathematics A Levels (or equivalent) and you will find it helpful to have a strong knowledge base across a wide range of science and mathematics subjects. Most applicants have at least three of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics to A Level (some Colleges require this, see College websites for details).

Taking an additional AS Level would be encouraged and may strengthen your application, as well as increase the choice of subjects you would be able to study. The more useful combinations are:

  • A Level Biology, A Level Chemistry1 and A Level Mathematics
  • A Level Chemistry1, A Level Mathematics and A Level Physics
  • A Level Physics, A Level Mathematics and A Level Further Mathematics

1 A Level Chemistry will enable a greater choice of biological subjects in the second and third years.

Which subjects are required?

The specific subject requirements will depend a lot on which subjects you wish to study as many of the first-year (Part IA) options require particular preparation.

IA Course Subject Requirements
Biology of Cells Highly desirable: A Level Chemistry
Useful preparation: A Level Biology
Chemistry Essential: A Level Chemistry
Earth Sciences Note: No previous subject knowledge is necessary
Evolution & Behaviour Highly desirable: A Level Biology
Introduction to Experimental Psychology: From Brain to Cognition No previous subject knowledge necessary.
This course is borrowed from the Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS) Tripos.
Materials Science Essential: A Level in Chemistry or Physics
Note: No previous subject knowledge is necessary

Essential: A Level Physics or Further Mathematics, including the section on Mechanics. Students will be required to take IA Mathematics.
Useful preparation: AS/A Level Further Mathematics

Physiology of Organisms

Recommended: AS/A Level Biology
Useful: AS/A Level in Chemistry and/or Physics is useful, although most of our students would not have Physics

Mathematics Essential: A Level Mathematics
Useful: A Level Further Mathematics
Mathematical Biology Essential: A Level Mathematics

For information on the structure of Maths teaching at Cambridge, particularly for those without A Level Maths, please look at our Maths in the First Year information

International Baccalaureate

The A Level subject advice above also applies to the IB. Standard Level subjects are broadly comparable to AS Levels, and Higher Level subjects are broadly comparable to A Levels. The standard offer for IB is 41-42 points with 776 at Higher Level.

Other qualifications

If you are taking other qualifications (eg Scottish Highers and Advanced Highers, Access to HE Diploma, international qualifications), please refer to the Undergraduate Study website and consult a College Admissions Tutor for further advice.

Admissions Assessment

All applicants for Natural Sciences  are required to take the Engineering and Science Admissions Test (ESAT) at an authorised assessment centre. You must register in advance for this test.
The required information can be found on the Cambridge Admissions Website.

All applicants must take the Mathematics 1 module, and then two additional multiple-choice modules from the following:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics 2

We advise applicants to take the two additional modules that aligns with their strengths and best reflects the A-Level subjects they are studying.

Are any of the Colleges better for Natural Sciences?

The short answer is no.

The University (through its faculties and departments) determines course content and all students on the same course, regardless of their College, attend the same lectures, seminars and practicals, and sit the same exams. Therefore, it is not the case that some Colleges are better for particular courses - the differences that do exist between the Colleges lie in the ambiance rather than the educational opportunities.

All Cambridge Colleges accept applications for Natural Sciences and the Colleges are more similar than they are different. You can find guidance on how to choose (and how not to choose) a College on the Undergraduate Study website.

After a bit of research, we suggest that you try to visit some Colleges (on an open day or informally at another time) so you can see for yourself what it might be like to live and study there - remember, you'll be here for three years at least! Try and speak to a Director of Studies or a Tutor to find out what the College can offer you in particular.

Enquiries and further information

For information about how to apply, interviews, admissions tests, and more, please consult the undergraduate admissions webpages.

Please direct any admissions enquiries to your preferred College or to the Cambridge Admissions Office.