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Natural Sciences Tripos


Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure that the course costs given below for courses within the Natural Sciences Tripos were accurate at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to review and revise the costs without prior notification and you are advised that their publication here serves only as an indicator of course costs for current and future years. The publication of this information does not form part of any contractual arrangement of costs associated with studying at the University.

General Tripos requirements

Essential University-approved calculator approx £25
for some courses
Safety spectacles
approx £13-£16
approx £4 - £7

a laptop
It is recommended not using a Chromebook as they do not support some software used on the course, including digital assessment.

cost, if purchased new, will depend on choice, e.g. £400+, but existing laptops, if less than 4 years old, are likely to be fine.
Non-essential books etc., as advised in course documentation at student's discretion
library books are available
Non-essential specialist equipment can be borrowed if necessary

Costs for individual courses

The following courses have direct additional costs to students associated with them:

Part IA Earth Sciences



One-week field course (Arran: Easter Vacation)

Estimated Cost: £115

Part IA Evolution & Behaviour


Non-essential, but desiarble

One-week field course, Slapton Ley in Devon or Dale Fort in Pembrokeshire. Easter Vacation Mar/Apr).

£50 + travel costs

Part IB Earth Sciences A and B



Ten-day mapping course (Cumbria: Long Vacation before course)


Ten-day field course (South West England: Easter Vacation)

Estimated cost: £125
Part IB Ecology, Evolution & Conservation  
Highly desirable Ten-day field course, Juniper Hall in Surrey. Long Vacation (Jun/Jul) to work on an individual project. £100 + travel costs

Part IB Plant and Microbial Sciences


Non-essential but highly desirable

one-week field course (Portugal: Easter Vacation)

Estimated cost: £150

Part II Earth Sciences



Ten-day mapping course (Skye: Long Vacation prior to course)

Estimated cost: £135


Eight-day tectonics field course [same as Physics Part III below] (Greece: Christmas Vacation)

Estimated cost: £180


One-month individual project fieldwork (Long Vacation prior to course)

Any costs above £400.  Total cost depends on choice of location. (Students are eligible to apply for college travel funds to support the costs of this trip)

Part II Zoology



Two-week field course, Kota Kinabalu and Sabah in Borneo, Malaysia or Gamboa, in Panama. Long Vacation (Sept) to work on an individual project.

£600 but students on a full Cambridge bursary will not be charged. Travel grants often available from colleges.

Part III Earth Sciences



Individual project.  May involve optional fieldwork costs.

any costs associated with optional fieldwork


one-week field course (Spain: Easter Vacation)

Estimated cost: £160

Part III Physics


Non-essential part of a Major Topic

Eight-day tectonics field course [same as Earth Sciences Part II above] (Greece: Christmas Vacation)

Estimated cost: £180