Subject Summary
The course emphasises the mechanisms of drug action at the molecular and cellular level and the consequent effects on organ systems and the whole animal including man. A recurrent theme is the recognition of chemical substances by biological structures and how this recognition produces a biological response. Topics considered in relation to this general theme are drug design, membrane ion channels, intracellular messengers, neurobiology, cancer chemotherapy, and the pharmacology of epithelial and endothelial systems. Aspects of current and future drug development and the clinical applications of drugs are discussed. There is no formal system of options and the timetable has been devised so that it is possible to attend every lecture. This structure provides for a wide diversity of interest and allows considerable personal choice in the selection of topics for more intensive study.
The course consists of lectures, discussion groups, technique talks, a drug review and a research project. Discussion groups typically consist of 5 students and a member of the academic staff; they meet four times a term during both Michaelmas and Lent Terms. During these informal meetings students present literature-based and project-based seminars and practice presenting facts and arguments. In the second term, students work on a research project. The results of the project are presented by the student in the third term, and the work is written up as a short dissertation.
Most students entering this course have taken either Part IB of the Medical and Veterinary Sciences Tripos or Part IB Pharmacology in the Natural Sciences Tripos. However, Natural Scientists who have taken any biological subject or Chemistry A and/or B are encouraged to enquire.
The examination consists of an oral presentation and drug review submitted at the start of Lent Term, and four written papers, submission of the project report, an oral presentation of the project, and, in some cases, a viva voce examination in Easter Term. There are substantial vocational opportunities for natural scientists reading pharmacology as well as for medical students who do so before proceeding to clinical studies.
Programme Specification
This course is taught by the Department of Pharmacology.
This course aims to:
- provide a wide-ranging, balanced and critical understanding of pharmacology as it relates to understanding mechanisms of drug action;
- equip you with a range of skills for your future career, whether it is in life sciences research, medicine, veterinary medicine, drug discovery, or other careers not directly related to pharmacology.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course students should:
- be able to think critically and with appropriate knowledge over a wide range of pharmacological topics;
- be able to communicate their own results and the work of others to scientific and more general audiences in both oral and written presentations;
- be able to undertake searches of the scientific literature as the basis for critical evaluation of the retrieved information;
- be able to critically assess different methods to solve pharmacological problems;
- be able to analyse and assess their own research methods and results obtained during their research project.
Teaching and learning methods
These include lectures, supervisions, discussion groups, technique talks and research projects.
Assessment for this course is through:
- three unseen essay examinations (for aims 1-2 and learning outcomes 1-4);
- one data handling examination paper (for aims 1-2 and learning outcomes 1-4);
- a dissertation based on a research project undertaken by the student over an eight-week period (for aim 2 and learning outcomes 2-5);
- judgement of the student’s oral presentational skills by examiners (for aim 2 and learning outcomes 2 and 3);
- a critical essay of no more than 2500 words (for aims 1-2 and learning outcomes 1-4).
Courses of Preparation
Essential: One NST Part IB biological subject or Chemistry A and/or B.
Recommended: NST Part IB Pharmacology.
Additional Information
Further information is available on the Course Websites pages.