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Natural Sciences Tripos


Examination Data Retention Policies

The Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos has produced the following statement in response to the University General Board guidance relating to examinations of taught courses.

Part IA and Part IB of the Tripos

Examination Data Retention Policy

The following data is retained by Colleges and the Natural Sciences Tripos Coordinator:

  • Data: Final Mark Book
  • Retention period: Indefinitely
  • Accessible through: College DoS or Tutor, or the NST Coordinator ()

The marks contained in the final mark book include a mark for each subject taken and the overall class. Further information is routinely released (as part of the markbook) and will include ALL information that the Examiners have determined as being meaningful or helpful as indicators of examination performance. All the details of performance contained in the mark book are available through those listed above.

Other information that is not included in the mark book is considered to be relatively meaningless as an indication of examination performance, given the moderation processes that are used in determining a class by Examiners. However, such information is provided to Colleges for a period of up to one year after the publication of the class list via a question-level markbook. Students may approach their College to access such information.

In line with University policy, examiners and assessors are expressly instructed not to write comments on examination scripts, and they are not returned to students.

Where any automated compiling or processing of marks is used, the results are subsequently deliberated by the Board of Examiners responsible.

Please request data in writing from:

NST Coordinator
Leanne Wilson
School of the Biological Sciences  
17 Mill Lane

Chair of Examiners
Part IA 2024-25
Prof. James Elliott
Dept. of Materials Science and Metallurgy,
27 Charlse Babbage Road,
Chair of Examiners
Part IB 2024-25
Dr David Al-Attar
Bullard Labs,
Madingley Rise,
Madingley Road,
Chair of Examiners
Parts II & III 2024-25

Dr Christine Farr
Dept. of Genetics,
Downing Street,

Part II and Part III of the Tripos

The examinations in each Part II or Part III subject of the Tripos are run exclusively from the Department responsible for the teaching of that subject. The Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos have agreed that, for Parts II and III of the Tripos, all responsibility is devolved to the relevant Department and that the Department should fully address all concerns relating to those examinations and the format, retention and storing of data.

The exception is the question-level markbooks. Part II Biological and Biomedical Sciences and any other Part II or Part III course that chooses to provide these markbooks directly to College can do so for a period of up to one year after the publication of the class list.

Students should approach their DoS in the first instance. If the DoS does not have access to this data, they should contact the relevant department directly for such information.

Students should contact the relevant Department for more information, who should draw up a Departmental Examinations Data Retention Policy for the parts of the Natural Sciences Tripos that they contribute to.

All Parts of the Tripos

The meet the Office for Students regulatory conditions a small sample of anonymised student work, including exam scripts, coursework and lab work, per class, per subject will be kept for a period of five years.

Release of data under this policy does not constitute a subject access request under the General Data Protection Regulation.

Formal requests for access to all other personal data should be directed to the University’s Information Compliance Office (