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Natural Sciences Tripos


How do I get my results?

Students are notified of the marks and class awarded for the Tripos via CamSIS and can expect to receive a breakdown of marks through a "College markbook", and as part of their CamSIS record.

The formal class lists, indicating the performance of candidates, will be provided to Colleges for internal use only. 

College Tutors or Directors of Studies also receive the breakdown of marks shortly after students receive their results.

If you have not received your results but think you should have, please contact your College in the first instance.

What do my marks mean?

Examiners spend some considerable time in compiling the markbooks sent to Colleges, to ensure that they are useful and informative. The information contained, which is usually given to a subject, course or paper level, has been identified as being the best set of meaningful data. Although further information may be retained by the Examiners for a short period after the examinations, it is not thought to be helpful in identifying particular strengths or weaknesses in examination performance.

The markbooks are prepared and retained in line with the Examinations Data Retention Policy for the Tripos. You are advised that requests for a more detailed breakdown of marks would not provide you with any additional sensible information. To request a detailed mark breakdown please contact your Director of Studies who will be provided with additional markbooks shortly after the release of results.

Your attention is also drawn to the Marking Schemes used by the Examiners. For Parts IA and IB of the Tripos, your class is more a measure of your relative standing with your peers than an absolute measure of ability. Marks in individual subjects are often moderated to ease comparison across subjects and to aid students and Directors of Studies in determining future courses of study. Some subjects produce their own marking scheme and classing criteria and students should refer to the individual Faculty or Departmental documents which may be found on the relevant website.

Mark Checks

You may request a clerical check that the marks which appear on CamSIS have been correctly transcribed from the original markbook by emailing the NST Coordinator within one month of the release of your results. In order to request an examination review, see below.

Examination Reviews

Exam reviews are handled by the University's Office of Student Conduct, Complaints and Appeals (OSCCA). Details on how to request an examination review can be found on their website.

Examination mark corrections following the release of results

Occasionally, it may be necessary to correct or adjust students’ marks when a procedural error in the marking process is discovered. The following steps will be taken in such cases:

Parts IA and IB

Minor Corrections resulting in a change of mark, but not class:
  • The Senior Examiner will confirm the corrected mark with the Chair of Examiners.
  • Local markbooks will be corrected.
  • Student Registry will be asked to update the student’s CamSIS record.
  • The student and their DoS will be contacted to confirm the correction has been made.
Major Corrections resulting in a change of mark and/or class:
  • The Chair of Examiners will confirm the corrected mark and/or class with the Senior Examiner for the subject and an additional Senior Examiner for that year of the Tripos.
  • Local markbooks will be corrected.
  • An updated class list and corrected marks will be provided to Student Registry who will update the student’s CamSIS record.
  • The student and their DoS will be contacted to confirm the correction has been made.

Parts II and III

Minor Corrections resulting in a change of mark, but not class:
  • The Senior Examiner will work with the examiners to confirm the corrected mark.
  • Local markbooks will be corrected.
  • Student Registry will be asked to update the student’s CamSIS record.
  • The student and their DoS will be contacted to confirm the correction has been made.
Major Corrections resulting in a change of mark and/or class:
  • The Senior Examiner will confiemd the corrected mark and/or class with two subject examiners.
  • Local markbooks will be corrected.
  • An updated class list and corrected marks will be provided to Student Registry who will update the student’s CamSIS record.
  • The student and their DoS will be contacted to confirm the correction has been made.